Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why to eco-it

After working in an unventilated building with photographic chemicals for many years, I became ill.

The overload of chemicals in my body left me unable to continue working (ending my career) and unable to tolerate or use basic products I had always used and stopped me from doing many of the things I had always enjoyed. Gardening, art even basic health and beauty items and of course household cleaning products.

Allergists and doctors were unclear about it at the time and many still are.

As I tried to adjust, I had to make changes in everything.

I spent a long time trying to first find books on it, the reasons, then solutions and finally alternatives. There are many names for it ( allergies, toxic overload, chemical sensitivities etc.) but they all have one thing in common, they are no longer tolerable to your body or the environment.

I know that now, there is so much information available. Along with make it yourself solutions many companies are starting to produce non toxic and non allergenic products. Some are fine for one some may not be. I hope I can offer something new along the way.

I am sure it will take me some time to put it all on here.

Feel free to ask if I may have a solution to something in the mean time and I hope I can be of some help.

One thing I do know for certain... just because it is

'natural' does not mean is always safe.

My allergist told me many years ago "Snake Venom is natural"